
EVN Klimainitiative

EVN Klimainitiative

Wo Energie fließt, ist auch Leben. Denn Energie ist Leben.

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International 11/16

Water Quality to protect the Environment and Human Health

The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced funding of USD 4.8 to six universities to work with local communities to better understand the economic value of water quality.

Thomas Burke scientist in EPA’s Office of Research and Development says to Energie Vision, that clean water is a cornerstone of a healthy community and many communities face challenging decisions about investing in the protection of water resources. Therefore the grants will help measure the costs and beneftis of improving water quality, an important step toward protecting the environment and human health.

The grants are awarded to the following institutions:

Clark University (Worcester), Dartmouth College (Hanover), University of Connecticut, North Carolina State University, Michigan State University and Iowa State University.