
Internationales Motorensymposium


Wo Energie fließt, ist auch Leben. Denn Energie ist Leben.

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Eurofuel: Martin Reichard has been appointed Vice President

Martin Reichard, Chairman of IWO Österreich and VP Eurofuel.

Martin Reichard, Chairman of IWO Österreich has been appointed Vice President of Eurofuel at the last General Assembly here in Vienna.

The European Heating Oil Association Eurofuel is an umbrella organisation comprising 10 European members that promote the use of heating oil for domestic heating and cover the complete home heating supply chain. That comprises oil companies of various sizes, independent fuel retailers and distributers, heating equipment manufacturers and heating installers.

Eurofuel is represented by a President, currently Jeremy Hawksley, a Vice-President (Martin Reichard), a Secretary General (Sabine Heymann) who is responsible for the day-to-day core activities and a Treasurer (Willem Voets), who manages legal issues and financial aspects. Further details: