
Wo Energie fließt, ist auch Leben. Denn Energie ist Leben.

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Australia: Government should prioritise a national EV strategy

In June last year a resolution was passed in the Australian Senate for the establishment of a Senate Special Committee on Electric Vehicles. It was instructed to investigate and report about the potential economic, environmental and social benefits of widespread electric vehicle uptake in Australia. The Committee’s final 180-page-report was now released to the public on Wednesday 30 January 2019 and states that the market adoption of EV’s in Australia has been low to date concluding it. Examination of new car statistics in Australia over the past five years reveals that sales of pure electric vehicles, as opposed to hybrid vehicles, have accounted for just 0,07% of new cars sold in Australia – albeit that the figure grew to 0,13% in the last three years.

As stated in the media this week, the fuel retail industry is ready and willing to accommodate EV recharging on service stations forecourts, but the very low rate of growth coupled with the high cost of fast charge infrastructure means that the business case for such investment does not currently exist. The Special Committee has now made a number of recommendations to the Australian Government as a result, including the introduction of a national electric vehicle (EV) strategy, an intergovernmental taskforce, EV targets and a comprehensive plan for the rollout of a national public charging network

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